Dark Business!
He is not a partner
Reeves is a slave to the PR team!
Facts and opinions:
Why hasn’t Reeves had a verified account since 2010?? Why is Keanu’s PR team still promoting and endorsing AG?? Why do the photos keep changing Keanu’s age?? Why can’t Keanu talk??
ٍAfter the demonic Satanist SEBASTIAN ERRAZURIZ sculptor got Grant’s permission as Keanu’s art consultant at the time to present a private commission of his satanic work to promote himself and let us know that Keanu is also a slave to the satanic cult. While Keanu’s slave permission is missing for publication. Maybe you don’t need it since all rights belong to AG and the post from the site is allowed anyway.
So Keanu quickly appeared on Father’s Day with Keanu’s relatives, presenting himself in a positive light in the company of the paparazzi filming the event. In several photos, she looked rejuvenated and heartwarming as she looked into the camera. Although I don’t think it was the biological Keanu.
This is called low-level damage control.
According to the content of the articles, Keanu’s articles can most likely mean the beginning of a new series of shows.
” Since then, the doting beauty has showed up to various events to support her beau whenever she can.”
So another show of AG and the dark background power begins??
However, you cannot decide based on the published photos which are the biological Keanu, which is his clone, his double, or his retouched one. Keanu’s outfit is identical to what he wore outside the house with the aggressive Ukrainian videographer, but it’s the same outfit he wore at the failed show at a train station in New York (04. 18, 2023). You know when AG’s satanic watchdog went berserk because his slave didn’t take his hand right away and then they went their separate ways as instructed by PR.
We see Keanu look his age, then look like a clone, then suddenly rejuvenate as if he’s his double instead. While AG is foaming at the mouth, Ádám’s apple is bouncing back and forth.
It’s very possible that AG and Keanu’s management could force Keanu to lie again.
Thank you for reading my review. 🙏
Leda Angel June 21.2023
From IG: I remember seeing one video clip ..where he was leaving an hotel and fans were waiting to see him..one Chinese lady said ooh keanu you look so good even though you’re so old …it made me laugh so much..he turned around and gave her such a look haha
From IG: I really feel sorry for him , may God bless him, even though I’ve never been a fan, nor idolize stars of any . But no one deserves to be living a life like this . It’s very sad . If that’s the price that these people do for fame then Hollywood could jam it up their rear – end where the sun don’t shine. I have never heard anything about this disgusting and twisted on any other Hollywood stars but who knows what it’s hidden in their angeda. anyway my prayers are with all of them , who are forced to abide by their ridiculous contract. just for money it’s absurd and pathetic. knowing that human life is more important than anything else. God bless .
From IG: Drahá pozdravy odtud 👏🙌 ráda jsem tu a pročítám vaše příspěvky a vaše názory toho co může být pravda a co jen domněnky…..Myslím si, že v sobotu byl Keanu skutečný na setkání dobrého jídla k obědu se svou sestrou Kim a rodinou ze strany její……..Chápu to správně, Chápu rozčarování toho, že nejednou je Keanu jako mladík, pózuje pro fotoaparáty s úsměvem a milým přístupem a stále věřím tomu, že on je velmi hluboko uvnitř sebe vnímán laskavosti a pochopením souvislostí……občas jej vidíme utrapeneho, smutného a jeho tvář ukazuje vyčerpání, věk 😢😢 BŮH ZNÁ SKUTEČNOST JEHO JEDNÁNÍ, ON JE ZODPOVĚDNOST SÁM ZA SEBE 🙌❤️ Je tedy pouze na něm jaký směr života si nechává propouštět pro okolí a pro sebe ❤️❤️ jen zde vyjadřují svůj vlastní názor…….ŽÁDNÝ Z NÁS LIDÍ, FANOUŠKŮ NETUŠÍME CO ON SKUTEČNĚ PROŽÍVÁ A JAK SE NECHÁ ČI NEDOVOLÍ MANIPULACE S JEHO OSOBNÍM ŽIVOTEM……
From FB: ´Não sabemos como Deus vai conduzir isso, mas o certo é que Deus trabalha no escuro, e da sua obra só vemos detalhes, até que o inimigo seja reduzido a pó, e Deus é sábio, Ele tem cuidado dos seus e os livra das ciladas, assim está a correr a obra de Deus para livrar Keanu. Só para expressar minha alegria ao ver o Keanu tão bem, lindo, de óculos novo, feliz. Mandar uma palavra para ele: Por isso não tema, pois estou com você;
não tenha medo, pois sou o seu Deus.
Eu o fortalecerei e o ajudarei;
eu o segurarei
com a minha mão direita vitoriosa.
Isaías 41:10
From IG: There is a situation where it is a double, it is known that Hollywood has doubles for actors. The same photos with the motorcycle – the same clothes, everything the same… maybe even the same photos only with a different date… so yes… I ask the same question as your previous post – where is the real Keanu?? But even if this is the real one… he signed a contract with that group… lots of mind games here… feels like we can create a movie or that we already live in a psycho movie
From FB: Quem proporciona tudo isso é o próprio keanu, não é inocente. Aceita todas as merdas deles. Aceita ser conduzido por ela por pura conveniência, então se merecem. E se separarem não é por causa da escuridão dela, que parece que aplaude e colabora com ela, dando-lhe muita força, alimentando a serpente para atacá_lo fatalmente a qualquer momento. . Mas, como ele se divertiu muito com a macabra e se faz de cego, deixando ser conduzido por ela, se morrer não lamentarei.
Não conheço e não tenho vontade de conhecer. Tenho receio das intenções satanistas, já que faz tudo que os trevosos mandam. Enquanto estiver
perto dela vai continuar tudo como sempre foi, mas agora piora já que ela envelhece e é esse o motivo que ele não está satisfeito com ela
Além da treva dela já não está
servindo mais para diversão. Se ela prestasse, seria eu em favor dela sem dúvida e não dele. Eles se merecem e tomara que ele a trate muito bem, enquanto estiverem juntos .Ninguém merece indiferença e desprezo, e ele é muito bom nisso.