
Britney Spears, Keanu Reeves!
In Hollywood, Satan’s sect sees money-makers as the pets of the profiteers!
Dark Business! Keanu sows and A.Grant Satan Sect reaps??
After their appearance in New York, since the end of April 2023, AG has been conducting suspicious activities in Europe near Ukraine.
JS Angel Wings: Naughty lights
Angel Wings: Naughty lights ❤️ Mischievous lights run outside,With the bright, happy star of Venus,Like sparkling blue soul gems,They float like emeralds by the sea,While embracing the sun with kisses. ❤️ Leda Angel © Jun 23, 2023Share, and copy,with only the author's...
JS Angel Wings: Remember
I always long for the melody of my soul,
Time doesn’t play a role for me…
Dark business
Why hasn’t Reeves had a verified account since 2010?? Why is Keanu’s PR team still promoting and endorsing AG?? Why do the photos keep changing Keanu’s age?? Why can’t Keanu talk??
Where biology Keanu??
The public outcry was sparked by the Bartel deal, which began promoting a 2009 project with the help of AG and Satanist SEBASTIAN ERRAZURIZ, AG-controlled Keanu fan sites too.
JS Angel Wings: The Scent of Jasmine 💖
When I dedicated my pulse to your soul,
And my feelings, which inevitably hurt me,
JS Angel Wings: Dance with me💖
How do I tell?? There are no words for that
An unspeakable desire torments my soul: love??
November 1, 2021
All Saints’ Day
Chrysanthemum, the flower of our dead in Hungary
JS Angel Wings: To live 💖
In my sea like a fleeting wave,
I run as an Aryan of fast whims
JS Angel Wings: Blessed💖
Blessed pearl blue sky
Life is on the throne of God
JS Angel Wings: My sweet dream 💖
My sweet dream slips through your night
My orphaned heart embraces your quiet soul
Confuse the distant interstellar message
Hi Dear Man, Good day!
You ask me what is a failure in a person’s life ??
JS Angel Wings:Stars ❤️
You live with the stars every night
And every dawn with new light
❤️❤️❤️To see the scenery from a car and to admire the beauty that accompanies our journey.
I drove on the highway early in the morning while looking at the fall scenery.
❤️❤️❤️The soul is happy when it feels and loves
And the ancient rhythm of the universe throbs
Soulless, oh poor rich, God of a lot of money
The stamp of Judas’ kiss with thirty silver
Tales of my dreams, as a mysterious secret
He lights starlight as a reality
Grief on golden foliage on canvas
Pearl- October in sunlight blooms
morning in fairy light in tiny
sunbeam buds in passion
I am your conscience
and your collected dirt
She hugged her happily❤️❤️
I became the light of his world,
S Angel Wings: Blind accompany me ❤️
Heavy cross, night brush paints a dream,
Stars on my path closed his green eyes,
JS Angels: Rocking dances 💖
The sun is shining and many autumn leaves are dancing
Like a breath of sigh, he runs into his mirrors
JS Angels: He Became all 💖
The light drank from my eyes, the music caught my ear.
I felt the caress, my feet took me on nice roads,
JS Angel Wings: Gyermek a fényben 💖
A csillagot kerestem, bárhol is létezel
Itt ketyeg a lélek, mint egy óra,
JS Angel Wings: You’re 💖
I am, fascinated by Your, blue sky
I follow, believe a thousand-colored sunset
JS Angel Wings: Is so true 💖
The brushline of your life is cruel
Your soul has a double garden
JS Angel Wings: Only with you 💖
He knocks once with new, bright thoughts
And someone appreciates you with love,
JS Angel Wings: Rocking love💖
He wishes him, the whole thing beyond the lagoon …..
The evening is calm, beautiful, my life with you
JS Angel Wings: The present moment 2.💖
It is going through many hundreds of changes,
And he always draws from the source of death who lives.
JS Angel Wings: The present moment 1.💖
The eternal flame is a flower growing out of a dusty heart,
And the living soul never changes his faith
JS Angel Wings: Everything in my soul 💖
Sweet the Heaven if life with me exist
There an angel in the blue of the sky,
JS Angel Wings: Sadness, sorrow 💖
Listening silently beyond the stars,
Forever free with my loving soul
JS Angel Wings: Autumn stars 💖
Golden baths in autumn gardens
The breath of the past is coming in a hurry
Confuse the distant interstellar message
Hi Dear Man, Good day!
You always surprise me. All I can say to your question is that respect means to me that you always respect your own life when you travel.
JS Angel Wings: Love the soul 💖
Love the soul, teach it to fly!
Draw from the source of abundance
JS Angel Wings: I will always 💖
I will always shine on you with the smile of the soul
And you understand that you have to act for yourself,
JS Angel Wings: Falling Autumn leaves 💖
Autumn came, and everyone greeted
My journey ethereal, letters colors came
JS Angel Wings: Love embraces me 💖
The heat spreads to the flaming trees.
My being paddles to the other side