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Confuse the distant interstellar message

Confuse the distant interstellar message

Confuse the distant interstellar messageFragment 56. 😇❤️ Hello, Dear Man, Good day! Thank you for your message. You know, at the end of my journey, I definitely feel like I’m nobody today. No one who closed their dreams, their hopes. And I think of the precious words...
JS Angel Wings: Live in the light 💖

JS Angel Wings: Live in the light 💖

JS Angel Wings: Live in the light 💖 I laugh to cry again.The rhythm of my life as a song to the lute.And all my poems are a tiny part of me.And the words are loving, the soul.There are pauses in my breath,Hugged hot, the color of crimson.Reconciled with my soul,...
JS Angel Wings: Sunlight ❤️

JS Angel Wings: Sunlight ❤️

JS Angel Wings: Sunlight ❤️ The stone region slept in the whipped dust of dawnIt caught fire between two firewalls at onceHundreds of suns fell on every soulMillions of carats of Infinite Light.Acacia, the field woke up drunkSunlight on the green ridge danced...
On the way, I always walked in front of this tree.

On the way, I always walked in front of this tree.

On the way, I always walked in front of this tree. The owner of the tree, a lovely woman, offered to take down the yellow peach and put them in jam. And I yellow peach still make delicious homemade jam from it.And in the meantime, I ate a lot of yellow peaches. It is...
JS Angel Wings: Knowing the secret ❤️

JS Angel Wings: Knowing the secret ❤️

JS Angel Wings: Knowing the secret ❤️ Millions flew orphaned, traveling aloneAlong the way, the music hugged like amber,And passion circulates in the purple sunsetFor the fulness of life in this world is the faith of manKnowing the secret: Love in the soul is...