
Messages from me to you!
I am a traveler in this universe. My name is Léda Angel, and I use it for my writing.
The soul that we humans possess is perception, memory, imagination, thought, reason, will, etc. coherent whole of its phenomena and processes. While the acquisition of experience and knowledge is the result of much pain, which he who has a soul is capable of. Everything that happens to us has a meaning, good or bad. With our experiences, we also acquire the ability to see. After all, learning is our journey. Some people can do this, some people stop developing, and some people develop backward. This is the diversity of life. Unfortunately, experience shows that the actions of the soulless attack soul-people with increasing intensity.
I am always writing my personal opinion. Most of my research is related to the celebrity world, which has also become an influencing factor in our lives. While I send poems and beautiful messages too that come from my soul.
So everything that happens is part of the whole.
Please, if you are open-minded, consider my writings and see things differently in your stage of development, which may be reality. Thank you very much for always reading my writings.
Leda Angel
Disclaimer: My writings contain my personal views and opinions.
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