Confuse the distant interstellar message
Fragment 60. 😇❤️
Hello, Dear Man, Good day! You ask about the lying man ?? I’ll tell you as I think. A man who is constantly lying to himself is unable to recognize his own falsehood after a while. With this act, he does not respect himself, nor does he respect others. He lacks goodness, understanding, and a heart. His soul is damaged in such a way that he can no longer love. Whatever clothes he wears, disguising his soullessness, desolation, emptiness, lifelessness, he does not regain the peace of love. And perceiving his emptiness, he is lying more and more to others and to himself. And the wickedness and deed of the soulless becomes visible to others.
As the Hungarian writer Kálmán Mikszáth said onto the soulless man:
He gave himself to the devil. (Kálmán Mikszáth)
For the meaning of earthly existence is the totality of existence, self-consciousness, and happiness. Its value is the fulfillment of the good, the free will, and the kind soul, which can be reconciled with the ultimate reality, the self-identity, the feeling of sanctity. That’s what I think, and that’s how I live.Be happy who you are anywhere, in the world, and respect yourself..❤️😇
Leda Angel © 2021-09-11
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