Blessed Pentecost
Feast of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit !
Pentecost is the Christian holiday held on the 7th Sunday and Monday after Easter, on which Christianity celebrates the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, this outpouring.
This day is the Feast of Ascension, the message of which is, „If I then go and make room for you, I will come again and take you with me so that I may be where I am.” (John 14: 3)
In most of the Hungarian territory, the May tree was traditionally planted on the night of May 1. Another notable occasion was Pentecost. The May tree, the green branch, is a symbol of the renewal of nature, and in most cases also a gift of love.
The May tree was set up by the lads for the girls, for whom it was a great honor. Suitable for this was tall, massive trees suitable for this purpose, which were fixed to the fence post at night or early in the morning. They were also decorated with colorful ribbons, food, and drinks. It was usually set up under the direction of the courting bachelor, but in some areas, the bachelors also set up a tree for related girls. Often, the communities also had a common tree, the felling of which was accompanied by ceremony and dancing.
This day is the Feast of Ascension.