Easter ❤️😇
The last week of Lent is Flower Sunday from Easter Sunday to Holy Week.
Today is 202104. 02. Good Friday.
On this day they commemorate the suffering, crucifixion, and funeral of Jesus Christ, the three holy day of Easter in the liturgy. Second day of Sacrum Triduum Paschale. In Hungary, Easter is a four-day holiday, which is the biggest holiday of Christianity. According to the New Testament, Jesus was resurrected on the third day, Sunday, after his crucifixion on Friday.
By His death on the cross, He did not free the world from suffering, but He redeemed the sin of all men, and by His resurrection He won victory over death.
In addition to religion, it is also a celebration of the coming of spring, held in March or April (according to the position of the moon).
Easter also coincides with the fertility festivals held during the spring day-night equality, the element of which is the resurrection, the rebirth.
Easter marks the end of the forty-day Lent, which commemorates the desert fasting of the period that preceded Jesus.
After a period of fasting, actually “meat-leaving,” called fasting in Catholic Christianity, meat should be eaten for the first time on this day. (This is also indicated by the Hungarian word for Easter: the first day of receiving meat.) The name of the last week of fasting is „Holy Week”.❤️😇
Picture: Michelangelo Pietà St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican
Michelangelo Buonarroti, 24, was made in 1499
Mary mourns Jesus taken from the cross. The statue can be seen in one of the side chapels of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.